Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma
EUGreen - European University Alliance for sustainability

Specialist medical training - PON "Research and Innovation" funding 2014-2020

National Operational Program (NOP) "Research and Innovation" 2014-2020 - Action IV.1 - Extraordinary expenses for the acquisition of health personnel to counter the crisis in health services as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Action IV.1 allowed the Italian state to supplement the funds to be made available for FY 2020/21 for specialist training of physicians, increasing the number of specialist training contracts under Article 37 of Legislative Decree No. 368 of August 17, 1999, to strengthen the supply of competent personnel of the health services in the emergency and post-emergency phase. The expense incurred for the specialist training contracts is given by the stipend paid to the trainee by the university where the school is located in twelve monthly instalments in arrears including all contribution charges borne by the contractors. The number of contracts funded at the University of Parma, for each year, is 83.

The annual funding amount is €2,075,000, equal to €25,000 per doctor in specialty training for the academic years 2020/21 and 2021/22.


Parma University Hospital - INFORMATION for doctors in specialist training on Badge, Clothing, Canteen and Personalised Stamp

Below the link to Parma University Hospital webpage where it is possible to find useful information for first year doctors enrolled in specialization schools in Medical Surgical area of ​​the University of Parma who are supposed to start their training from 1 November 2022




  •  enrolled doctors in specialty training of the Schools of Specialization medical health area, academic year 2022/2023:
    • first tranche euro 831.00 (including the regional fee for the right to study and euro 16 stamp duty) 
    • second tranche determined according to the Isee value,
      • as follows:
        • 1st range from 0 to 30,000.00 second installment amount € 675.00
        • 2nd range from 30,000.01 amount second installment € 975.00
  •  enrolled physicians in specialist training of the Schools of Specialization non-medical health area, academic year 2022/2023
    • first tranche euro 653.50 (including the regional fee for the right to study and euro 16 stamp duty)
    • second tranche of euro 497.50    
  • enrolled Veterinary area graduate schools, academic year 2023/2024
    • first tranche euro 1,171.00 (including the regional fee for the right to study and euro 16 stamp duty)
    • second tranche euro 1.015,00 

Valid Isee (to be submitted for Medical Area Specialization Schools only), must be uploaded on the Ergo website starting January 2024 and no later than April 30, 2024.


  •  enrolled physicians in specialty training of the Schools of Specialization medical health area, academic year 2022/2023:
    • a.a. of matriculation 2018/2019
      • First installment due November 16, 2023
      • Deadline for submission of ISEE self-certification April 30, 2024
      • Second installment due date June 17, 2024
    • a.a. of matriculation 2019/2020
      • First installment due December 19, 2023
      • Deadline for submission of ISEE self-certification April 30, 2024
      • Second installment due date June 17, 2024 
    • a.a. of matriculation 2020/2021
      • First installment due November 16, 2023
      • Deadline for submission of ISEE self-certification April 30, 2024
      • Second installment due date June 17, 2024 
    • a.a. of matriculation 2021/2022
      • First installment due November 16, 2023
      • Deadline for submission of ISEE self-certification April 30, 2024
      • Second installment due date June 17, 2024 
    • a.a. of matriculation 2022/2023
      • First installment due by date of matriculation
      • Deadline for submission of ISEE self-certification April 30, 2024
      • Second installment due date June 17, 2024
  • enrolled physicians in specialty training of the Schools of Specialization non-medical health area, academic year 2022/2023
    • First installment due November 02, 2023 for those enrolled in the years after the first year, and by the registration deadline for those enrolled in the first year
    • Second installment due June 17, 2024
  • enrolled in Veterinary Area Graduate Schools, academic year 2023/2024:
    • First installment due November 16, 2023 for those enrolled in years after the first, and by the matriculation deadline for those enrolled in the first year
    • Second installment due June 17, 2024


ISEE Certificate Presentation Notice

We inform all those enrolled in the Specialisation Schools (Medical Area) that, starting from 23 January 2024, the ISEE PRESENTATION FORM TO DETERMINE THE SECOND INSTALMENT of UNIVERSITY FEES will be available online on the ER.GO page with the following deadlines (SEE ERGO LINK - once the page is open, see the yellow box):

TO BE FILLED ON-LINE until 30 APRIL 2024 for all those enrolled in Specialisation Schools (Medical Area). 

 (a valid ISEE certificate must be submitted. The ISEE to be submitted is ISEE 2024 - referred to the income of 2022)

In view of the important changes introduced by the legislation, we invite members to contact the Caf or Inps offices to request the calculation of the ISEE indicator.

The ISEE submitted by doctors enrolled in specialist training is THE ISEE BENEFITS FOR THE RIGHT TO STUDY.

Competition Calls for Benefits relating to the A.Y. 2023/2024

The competition calls for benefits  for the A.Y. 2023/2024 have been published. It is possible to apply online starting monday July 4.

Future students or students currently enrolled in the following specialized schools may apply:

- Legal Professions


Physicians in Specialty Training Registration in the Gestione Separata Contribution System

INPS Notice No. 37/2007 that deals with gestione separata for doctors in specialist training indicates that:

"enrolment in the Gestione Separata for physicians in specialist training is considered valid when performed by the commissioning universities through online transmission of the  data, according to the e-mens procedure"

At the moment of transmission to INPS of the data concerning the contribution of the first month of specialization grant the physician should be automatically registered in the gestione separata.

HOWEVER, we recommend, after few months, to check on INPS website that registration has taken place correctly and if not, to proceed manually by indicating as the effective date the start date of the specialization grant.

At this point, after a few days, contributions from previous months should also be automatically uploaded.


Procedure for attaining the title and uploading a thesis on line

The online graduation application online procedure (domanda conseguimento titolo, DCT) is now active. Graduating students will have to connect to the link for the submission of the graduation aplication with the University credentials and follow the instructions in the guide.

When submitting the DCT, the system performs blocking checks which, if not satisfied, prevent continuation; students are therefore invited to sort out their situation in advance with regard to

  • regular enrolment in the last year of the course
  • student with an active career (be up to date with payment of fees)

After submitting the online application the graduating student must upload rt the final thesis, in .PDF/A format, at the same link of the application, following the instructions in the guide at the bottom of this page

TRAINING BOOKLET: Regarding the training booklet, the student must follow the following procedure:

Training booklets can be sent to the Health Directorate by e-mail to the following address: or in hard copy to the Presidio Health Directorate Secretariat, located on the mezzanine floor of the Directorate Pavilion (No. 14).

It is requested that the file be contained in a zipped folder with a maximum size of 20MB.

Please note that the training booklet before being forwarded to the Health Directorate must be filled out in its entirety, accompanied by the necessary signatures and contain the summary judgment with respect to the planned educational and training objectives, signed by the School Director."

For information, send an email request to the Student Registrar Office at


Thesis online presentation guide online

INFORMATION on Self-certifications and Certificates on Stamp

The request for certificates must be sent to the following e-mail address:

Below the link to the guide


    • Doctors in specialist training are entitled to a total of 30 working days of absence for personal reasons, authorised in advance, in the year of the specialist training contract and which do not prejudice the achievement of training objectives. If a doctor in specialist training does not use all 30 days in the year in question, the remaining days cannot be added to those of the following year. Authorisation must be requested from the School Management at least seven days in advance, except in cases of force majeure.
    • Participation in conferences, congresses, courses and seminars must be authorised by the School Management, which guarantees that they are related to the training of the trainee doctor. Periods for such activities shall not be taken into account in the 30-day period of excused absence which the trainee doctor may take.
    • Doctors undergoing specialist training shall immediately notify the School Director and the head of the establishment where they are training of their pregnancy so that the necessary safety and protection measures can be taken to safeguard the health of the unborn child. 
    • As in the case of illness, any absence of less than forty consecutive working days due to pregnancy during the first seven months does not lead to suspension of training.
    • Doctors in specialist training are required to suspend training for five months from the beginning of the eighth month of pregnancy, except as provided for in the rules on radiation protection and other specific rules laid down by the health establishments where the doctors are trained. The request for suspension must be submitted to the School Management and to the University's Specialisation Schools office no later than the 15th day prior to the date on which the suspension begins, together with the gynaecologist's certificate attesting to the state of pregnancy and the expected date of delivery.
    • Doctors undergoing specialist training have the right to continue their training throughout the eighth month of pregnancy, unless otherwise specified by the health establishment where they are trained, by submitting a special request to the School Directorate and the University's specialised schools office. The request must be accompanied by the certifications required by law stating that this option is not detrimental to the health of the pregnant woman or the unborn child.
    • In this case, the suspension will begin one month before the expected date of birth and will last for at least five months, unless otherwise stipulated by the health establishment where the training is carried out.
    • Once the five months of maternity leave have elapsed, the doctor undergoing specialised training has the right to take the parental leave allowed by Legislative Decree no. 151/2001 and subsequent amendments and supplements, extending the period of suspension of training, subject to notification of the School Management and the Specialisation Schools Office of the University, indicating the date on which training is to be resumed.
    • The right to take parental leave is also granted to the father, a doctor in specialist training, as an alternative to the mother.
    • The optional reduction of the time commitment available for specialist training due to breastfeeding, from the third month until the child turns one year old, entails a reduction of the time commitment itself by two hours per day equal to one third, which out of nine months of activity, corresponds to three months of training activity not carried out and to be made up, obviously, in order to be admitted to the final examination. Only two-thirds of the variable portion of the contract will be paid for this period. In this case, the additional work must be carried out for a maximum of three months and paid for with full remuneration as stipulated in the specialist training contract. This is without prejudice to the application to specialist medical training of the provisions of Article 53 of Legislative Decree no. 151/2001, concerning night work.
    • Absences due to illness result in the suspension of training if they last more than forty consecutive working days.
    • Unrelated to the duration of the illness, the doctor in specialist training must immediately inform the School Management and submit the relevant medical certificate to the Management no later than the day following that on which the absence began.
    • After the fortieth day, absence leads to suspension of training. To this end, the doctor undergoing specialist training must notify the School Management and the competent central administration offices of his or her absence, with a view to suspending training and modifying the amount of his or her remuneration.
    • The notification must be given from the start of the absence if the medical certificate immediately indicates a prognosis of more than forty days.
    • Periods of illness which, due to their duration, have not led to the suspension of specialist training, including non-working days, are also taken into account for the purposes of exceeding the compulsory period (1 year).
    • Prolonged unjustified absences lead to termination of the contract. Prolonged unexcused absence is defined as absence without prior authorisation that exceeds a total of 15 days per year, or 95 hours per year.
    • Unjustified absences that do not entail termination of the contract, i.e. that do not exceed a total of fifteen days per year, or 95 hours, must be made up at the end of the course year and, in any case, before transfer to the following year or admission to the final examination, in accordance with the procedures established by the School Council.

Training outside the training network (FRF)

Training periods of no more than 18 months total are also possible, within the school's duration, to be carried out in accredited NHS facilities. They are subject to a resolution of the School Council, adopted at least three months before the start of the training period.

Without prejudice to any specific provisions of the Specialisation Schools, the choice of training activities to be carried out at the host university/structure must be fully consistent with the educational objectives of the specialisation course to which the student belongs. These shall substitute those provided for by the specialization course of the student. The credits relating to all of the approved training activities replace those laid down in the course regulations.

At the end of the period of stay abroad, on the basis of the certification submitted and in accordance with what has already been authorised, the School Council confirms the recognition of the training activities carried out abroad, the relative credits and the profit assessments.

Trainees who undertake a study period abroad are guaranteed recognition of their attendance at the training activities planned for the same period at their home school. 

According to the indications, the procedure to be followed is as follows:

Out of network training in Italy

Requests for activities outside the training network, duly authorised by the Director of the Specialisation School and accompanied by the relevant training project, must be submitted to the Office no later than 3 months before the date of departure.

The MFS compiles the Training Project. The form must be completed and signed, in its relevant part, by the host establishment and then submitted to the Director of the Specialisation School.

  • The School Council authorises training outside the training network. The School Council also adopts or remodels the individual training programme in line with the authorised out-of-network stay.
  • in the case of Italian healthcare facilities, the agreement is approved and signed by the university and the host facility.

Attach training project form 

Outside the education network abroad

Requests for activities outside the training network, duly authorised by the Director of the School of Specialisation and accompanied by the relevant training project, must be submitted to the Office no later than 3 months before the date of departure.

The School Council may authorise training periods abroad, to be requested at least three months before the trainee's departure with the formal acceptance of the host administration, for a maximum period of eighteen months over the entire course of studies.

  • mfs' request to the Head of School. The Agreement form for out-of-network training for doctors in specialist training must be completed and signed, in the relevant part, by the host establishment;
  • approval by the School Council;

At the end of the training activity

  • on their return, and in any case before the annual profit examination, trainees submit the Certificate of activities carried out outside the training network signed by the contact person of the foreign establishment, without prejudice to any other documentation that the School may consider useful;

In the event of participation in the Erasmus Placement programme, the trainee doctor must in any case follow the indications given in the relevant call for applications and complete the forms made available by the competent offices, without prejudice to the powers of the Director and the School Council as indicated above.

Attach training project form 

Out of Network Training Project Form for MFS

Recruitment under Law 145/2018 (CALABRIA DECREE)

Pursuant to Article 14 of the Decree Law of March 30, 2023, No. 34 et seq. the Companies and Entities of the National Health Service, as well as accredited private health facilities belonging to the training network, may confer individual fixed-term appointments, to physicians specializing in specialization who, starting from the second year of the specialized training course, regularly enrolled, are usefully placed in the separate ranking as a result of the competitive procedures for access to the management of the health role in the specific discipline announced. The granting of such appointments is conditional on the prior establishment of the agreement referred to in the seventh sentence of Article 1, paragraph 548-bis of Law No. 145 of December 30, 2018. The period of activity carried out by resident physicians is recognized for the purposes of the course of study leading to the attainment of the specialization degree. Contracts entered into may not last longer than the remaining duration of the specialist training course, without prejudice to the suspension periods provided for in Article 24, paragraphs 5 and 6, first sentence, of Legislative Decree No. 368 of August 17, 1999, and may be extended until the specialist training degree is obtained. It should be noted that if the facility is not part of the training network of the specialization school in which the doctor in specialty training is enrolled, the contract is configured as an out-of-network training period and therefore the duration of the contract may be a maximum of eighteen months, alternatively equal to the remaining duration if the doctor in specialty training has already carried out periods of training outside the training network. Resident physicians remain enrolled in the university school of specialization and are not entitled to the economic treatment provided for in the specialist training contract; The University of Parma has signed with the Emilia-Romagna Region, together with the other regional universities, the General Agreement for the regulation of part-time specialist training pursuant to Law December 30, 2018, no. 145, to allow the Companies and Entities of the Regional Health Service to hire with a fixed-term employment contract with part-time hours due to training needs residents enrolled in the penultimate and final year of the course. The University of Parma has also entered into similar agreements with: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Autonomous Province of Trento, Liguria and Lombardy.


  1. For doctors covered by the national collective agreement governing relations with general practitioners, including those of the Territorial Health Emergency, it is provided, pursuant to Presidential Decree 270/2000 and subsequent amendments and supplements, incompatibility with enrolment in or attendance at the Specialisation Schools referred to in Legislative Decree No. 368/99 and subsequent amendments and supplements.
  2. For the duration of full-time training, the doctor may not carry out any freelance activities outside the healthcare facilities where the training is carried out, and may not enter into any contractual or temporary relationship with the National Health Service or public or private bodies and institutions, including holding a research grant and a fixed-term researcher's contract, except as provided for by Article 19, paragraph 11 of Law no. 448/2001, and subsequent amendments and/or supplements. The activity of substituting general practitioners, night and holiday medical watches and tourist medical watches, provided for by art. 19 Paragraph 11 of Law No. 448 of 28 December 2001, may be carried out exclusively outside the hours devoted to specialist training, it being understood that under no circumstances may such outside activity be detrimental to the obligations incumbent on the doctor in specialist training. Doctors in specialist training must inform the Director/Coordinator/Reference person of the School in advance of any such activities.
  3. This is without prejudice to the provisions of Art. 40, paragraph 2 of legislative decree no. 368/99, on the basis of which doctors undergoing specialised training, where there is a public employment relationship, are placed, compatibly with service requirements, on unpaid leave, in accordance with the contractual legislative provisions in force.
  4. Violation of the provisions on incompatibility is grounds for early termination of the specialist training contract.


Covid emergency compatibility.

Emergency health legislation from Covid-19 has made certain types of relationships compatible.

The trainee must always promptly inform the Director of the Specialisation School and send to a declaration, countersigned for acknowledgement of receipt by the Director of the Specialisation School, indicating the date of commencement, the person making the appointment, the duration of the appointment, the place where the appointment is to be made, the procedures to be followed and the time commitment envisaged in the appointment.

In particular:

  1. the Decree Law of December 30, 2023, no. 215, art. 4, paragraph 4 extended to 12/31/2024 the possibility for the Companies and Entities of the National Health Service to confer independent work assignments, including coordinated and continuous collaboration, to physicians specializing enrolled in the last and penultimate year of the course of specialization schools, even if not placed in the rankings referred to in art. 1 paragraph 547 of Law of December 30, 2018, No. 145 (Article 2-bis, paragraph 3 Decree Law of March 17, 2020, No. 18, converted by Law of April 24, 2020, No. 27), of a duration not exceeding six months that can be extended. Residents remain enrolled in SSM and receive the university grant, supplemented by the emoluments paid for the work activity performed. The period of activity is recognized for the purposes of the course of study leading to the specialization degree. Universities, without prejudice to the legal duration of the course, shall ensure the recovery of the educational, theoretical and welfare activities necessary to achieve the planned training objectives;

  2.  Decree Law of December 30, 2023, No. 215, Article 4, Paragraph 4 extended to 12/31/2024 the possibility for Companies and Institutions of the National Health Service to confer fixed-term work assignments to physicians specializing enrolled in the last and penultimate year of the course of specialization schools, with a maximum duration of 6 months (Article 2-ter of Decree Law of March 17, 2020, No. 18, converted by Law April 24, 2020, No. 27). These appointments are extendable upon the establishment of the agreement referred to in the seventh sentence of Article 1, paragraph 548-bis of Law No. 145 of December 30, 2018. The period of activity carried out by resident physicians is recognized for the purposes of the course of study leading to the attainment of the specialization degree. Resident physicians remain enrolled in the university school of specialization and continue to receive the remuneration provided for in the contract of specialist training, supplemented by the emoluments paid in proportion to the work performed;

  3.  the Decree Law of December 30, 2023, No. 215, Article 4, Paragraph 2 extended to 12/31/2024 the possibility for physicians enrolled in the specialization course in Pediatrics to take temporary or replacement appointments of pediatricians of free choice affiliated with the SSN (Decree Law of March 17, 2020, No. 18, Article 2-quinquies, Paragraph 4, converted into Law of April 24, 2020, No. 27);

  4. the Decree-Law of March 30, 2023 No. 34, in Article 12, paragraph 2 establishes that, until 31/12/2025, on an experimental basis, by way of derogation from the incompatibilities provided for in Article 40 of Legislative Decree No. 368 of August 17, 1999, and by way of derogation from the provisions of Article 7 of Legislative Decree No. 165 of March 30, 2001, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph 1, of Decree-Law No. 35 of April 30, 2019, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 60 of June 25, 2019. 35, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 60 of June 25, 2019, physicians in specialty training regularly enrolled in the relevant course of study may assume, on a voluntary basis and outside the hours dedicated to training, free-professional positions, including coordinated and continuous collaboration, at hospital emergency-urgency services of the National Health Service, for a maximum of 8 hours per week.

Consequences of incompatibility

Violation of the provisions on incompatibility is grounds for early termination of the contract.

Agreement for the regulation of part-time specialist training pursuant to Law 145.2018 (Calabria Decree).

The University of Parma has signed with the Emilia Romagna Region has signed, together with the other regional universities, the General Agreement for the regulation of part-time specialist training pursuant to Law 145.2018, in order to allow the regional health agencies, accredited for the type of School, to hire with a fixed-term employment contract with part-time hours the trainees enrolled in the penultimate and final year of the course.  Recruitment may be carried out by the Regional Health Authorities, provided that the operational structure in which the doctor is incardinated is accredited for the same type of Specialisation School attended by the doctor pursuant to Article 43 of Legislative Decree no. 368 of 1999.

This matter is regulated not only by the above-mentioned agreement, but also by guidelines issued by the Regional Observatory for Specialist Training, which define when and how recruitment should take place.

Withdrawal from studies

1. The trainee may at any time irrevocably declare that he/she does not wish to continue his/her studies.

2. A signed declaration of withdrawal will result in the loss of the status of trainee from the moment of submission to the competent office and termination of the contract.

How to apply for a student waiver

To renounce studies, one must fill out and sign the appropriate form and send it to the e-mail address stamps in virtual form:

WARNINGUsers are invited to arrange for the payment of the required stamps in virtual form, requesting the amount to be charged to the Secretarial Office.

Withdrawal from Studies Form


  1. Transfers are not permitted in the first year, but are possible from the second year onwards after passing the final examination for the current year. Only transfers between Specialisation Schools of the same type and of the same name are permitted.
  2. Transfers to another university are only permitted for serious personal reasons, and the trainee is required to submit a reasoned request to the Director of the School within the deadline defined each year by the competent secretariat. The School Council is responsible for deciding whether to accept the application.

                            INCOMING STUDENTS:

  1. Trainees wishing to transfer from another University, for years subsequent to the first, must submit an application to the Director of the School, as a rule, within the deadlines defined each year by the competent secretariat. Transfers are possible only within the limits of vacant posts or the School's capacity, where applicable, and subject to the prior authorisation of both the receiving School and the School and Rector of the University of origin. The granting of authorisation by the receiving School is subject to verification of the equivalence of the training activities provided for by the Regulations of the two Specialisation Schools. The leave form containing the transferred trainee's career history shall be sent to the university to which the trainee has declared his or her intention to transfer.
  2. In the case of regional contracts, it should be noted that transfers may only be allowed within the region and not outside the region. Transfer for additional contract holders financed by institutions/companies is not allowed.
  3. Transfers during the year are not allowed.
  4. Trainees must pay the fees stipulated by the Board of administration
  5. A transfer from a non-reorganised School to a reorganised School is not permitted.

                            OUTGOING STUDENTS:

  1. Trainees wishing to transfer to another university, for years subsequent to the first, must apply to the Director of the School.  However, acceptance of the transfer request is subject to passing the final examination for the year in question. Transfers are possible only within the limits of vacant posts or the School's capacity, where applicable, and subject to the prior authorisation of both the receiving School and the School and Rector of the University of origin.
  2. In the case of regional contracts, it should be noted that transfers may only be allowed within the region and not outside the region. Transfer for additional contract holders financed by institutions/companies is not allowed.
  3. Transfers during the year are not allowed.
  4. Trainees must pay the fees stipulated by the Board of administration
  5. A transfer from a non-reorganised School to a reorganised School is not permitted.

BANK ACCOUNT and RESIDENCE CHANGE and view salary slips

The following procedure should be followed:

residents who have taken up service before 01/11/2023:

  1. must use the "U-Web - MY PROFILE" service at the link .
  2. They must also make the change on his or her personal Esse3 page in the following manner:
    1. by accessing the esse3 portal at the link to which you can login with your University credentials (University e-mail and password).

Residents who have been in service since 01/11/2023:

  1. They must make the change on his or her personal Esse3 page: by accessing the esse3 portal at the link to which they can login with their University credentials (University e-mail and password).

The data on the "U-web my profile" service will be automatically aligned the next day.

Instead, the display of salary slips is available at the following link:


For information, please contact the Specialization Schools Service:


tel: 0521033704
Via Volturno, 39
43125 Parma

Modified on

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